MPOWER CAREERS is our talent aquisition division specializing in the recruitment and placement of resources within our Group of Companies. Our Group provides you with an opportunity to develop your career, experience growth and enjoy life changing benefits. We apply best practice and give you peace of mind that your skills and experience will be precisely matched to a suitable position across all levels within our Group. We have over four decades of intensified industry experience and help you succeed in your career path. Open your world and explore this website to apply for your preferred position.
Become part of our Talent Community and we will get in touch with you as soon as there is a relevant opening.
A better tomorrow starts with today!
Our Openings
6 Open Positions
[[ job.position_name ]]
[[ getLocationString(job) ]]
Training Officer
Pretoria, South Africa
Sales Manager
Pretoria, Gauteng, South Africa
Sales Consultant
Pretoria, South Africa
Call Centre Consultant
Pretoria, South Africa
Purchase Processing Manager
Pretoria, GP, South Africa
Pretoria, South Africa
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We are always looking for new talent. Are you dedicated, hardworking and energetic?
If there are no openings mentioned above that suit your skills and expertise, upload your resume today and become part of our Talent Community and we will get in touch with you as soon as there is a relevant opening.