Our Openings
1034 Open Positions
[[ job.position_name ]]
[[ getLocationString(job) ]]
Sales Representative (Offshore Solutions)
Singapore, Singapore
Purchasing Executive (Ship Management)
Singapore, Singapore
Marine Superintendent (Oil/Chem)
Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Training Superintendent
Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Sales Manager (Marine)
Singapore, Singapore
Sales Manager (Marine)
Singapore, Singapore
Sales Executive (Marine Safety)
Singapore, Singapore
Marine Superintendent (Oil/Chem)
Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Tender and Bidding (Facade)
Singapore, Singapore
Purchaser (Ship Management)
Singapore, Singapore
Sales Manager (Offshore)
Singapore, Singapore
Sales Executive (Marine Safety)
Singapore, Singapore
Assistant Sales Manager (Marine Service)
Singapore, Singapore
Sales Manager (Engine Service)
Singapore, Singapore, Singapore
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