Sustainability is no longer just a futuristic buzzword of the few. Our world is going through a green revolution in front of our eyes. It's not only the right thing to do anymore, it is the only thing to do! And the world of HR and recruitment is no exception. And we, at Meijer&Co, do not only want to take part in this evolution but want to become the absolute front-runners in reshaping our industry.

Our goal is to match exceptional talent with great opportunities at companies in the sustainability and EHS sector, in Europe. To create deep, and long-lasting partnerships with our clients, to advise and guide them in the new green economy, and shape together the world of talent and recruitment.

We believe that people are the most important and powerful assets of any organisation.

We believe less is more and focus is devastatingly powerful.

Quality over quantity. Expertise over volume. Balance over rush.

If you or your organisation would like to partner with us, and find the next trailblazers of our green and sustainable world, contact us and we will be eager to partner with you!

Our Openings

5 Open Positions

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Become a front-runner in the sustainable renewal of the world of recruitment by not only matching candidates and clients but being a real driver of a new green economy.