Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

The entity that owns and controls is The Marathon Group Recruiting, LLC.

The protection of your private information and personal details is a priority for The Marathon Group Recruiting. This policy delineates the type of data we gather from you, the methods we employ to collect it, the ways we utilize it, the process of gaining your approval, the duration it is retained in our repositories and, if required, the parties we disclose it to.

By engaging with our website and utilizing our services, you are agreeing to the procedures outlined in this privacy policy. Additionally, the use of our website and our services is governed by our terms and conditions.

This privacy policy may undergo amendments occasionally. We consider your ongoing engagement with our website and services as an acknowledgment of any alterations; hence, we recommend revisiting the policy periodically for any modifications.

This privacy policy has been developed and is maintained in accordance with the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), Florida Digital Bill of Rights (FDBR) and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) European regulations).


The personal data of the users that are collected and processed through the website: will be under responsibility and in charge of:


Your interactions with the website enable us to customize and constantly enhance your user experience. We collect the following categories of information:

User-Supplied Information

When you use our website to conduct searches, browse and scrutinize content, avail our services, provide data through our solutions, seek employment, or communicate with us via our provided contact details or forms, you are supplying information. As a result, your actions may lead to you sharing the following details with us:

We will not acquire any personal information about you from our website unless you voluntarily provide it, either directly or indirectly. This includes any additional specifics related to you.

Automatically Retrieved Information

By visiting and utilizing our website, you automatically give us access to the following information:

If you access the website through a mobile device, we will collect the following details:

GOOGLE Analytics and Bing Webmaster/Bing for Business

We employ the services of Google Analytics, a tool offered by Google, Inc., USA (“Google”), along with Bing Webmaster/Bing for Business, facilitated by Microsoft, Inc, USA (“Bing”). These advanced utilities amass and scrutinize various forms of data such as IP addresses, unique device and software markings, inbound and outbound URLs, usage metrics, historical usage data, media access control address (MAC Address), distinctive mobile device identifiers, and comparable types of information through the utilization of cookies. The data generated by Google Analytics and Bing Webmaster/Bing for Business, inclusive of your IP address, could potentially be conveyed to and conserved by Google and Microsoft on servers based in the United States. We rely on the data obtained through Google Analytics and Bing for Business to bolster the website to elevate our service quality. The tone of voice is legal.

Please consult Google’s privacy policy here:

Please consult Microsoft’s privacy policy here:

Facebook Pixel

The Facebook Pixel is utilized by our website to gather user data for various objectives. The ways we employ the Facebook Pixel include:

The data gathered via the Facebook Pixel is collected and preserved by Facebook and will be processed in agreement with their privacy policy. The user data we obtain through the Facebook Pixel does not personally identify the user and will strictly be used in line with this privacy policy and Facebook’s privacy policy.

Please consult Facebook’s privacy policy here:

Social Media

Our website provides features and connections to various social media platforms where you can disseminate your data. We recommend reviewing the data protection and privacy policies of each social media network utilized on our site.




Personal information supplied by users via our website and services will be retained for the necessary duration required to fulfill those services. With the user’s consent, our website,, may have the approval to maintain this personal data for a longer period, provided that the user does not withdraw this consent. Furthermore, The Marathon Group Recruiting, LLC may be legally obligated to retain personal information for an extended period if required by law or an authoritative directive. After the expiry of the retention period, personal information will be deleted. As a result, the ability to access, delete, rectify, and transfer data will not be viable after the retention period has concluded.


As a rule, the data we gather is primarily utilized to sustain, safeguard, enhance, and provide our current services and website. The personal data procured through our website is used as elaborated below:

Marketing purposes of and The Marathon Group Recruiting, LLC.


When you engage our offerings, supply data via our platforms, pursue employment, connect with us via our communication forms, live chat or contact particulars, and offer personal details for us to reach out to you, you are implicitly agreeing to our gathering, holding, and utilization of your data as per the stipulations laid out in this privacy policy. Should you wish to revoke your approval, you have the option to communicate your request to us through the contact details or the contact page provided.


Preserving the personal data of our clients and users is integral to our operations. We pledge not to distribute or sell information to third parties without prior consent from the user, client, or owner of the personal data. The dissemination of user and client data is strictly in accordance with the following terms.

External Service Suppliers

We engage external services to execute various tasks on our website. Such tasks encompass website creation and hosting, email dispatch, data analysis, ad development (Facebook, Google, LinkedIn), job applications (Apply with LinkedIn and Apply with Indeed), marketing services provision (Exelare, Mailchimp, Elementor Pro), marketing and retargeting operations, and search results provision.

These external services and tools may be granted access to personal data necessary for the functioning of their tasks, but they are prohibited from using this data for alternate purposes. Any information shared with these external services will be managed and stored in line with both their individual privacy policies and our own. We recommend reviewing the privacy policies of these external services for further information.

Corporate Realignments

Should The Marathon Group Recruiting, LLC instigate, amalgamate with, or is absorbed by a different organization or firm, it is probable that your data will be transitioned. The Marathon Group Recruiting, LLC will dispatch an electronic correspondence on behalf of or publicize a conspicuous notification on our online platform prior to your data falling under a different privacy protocol. The transmission and management of your confidential data will adhere to all relevant stipulations.

Safeguarding of The Marathon Group Recruiting, LLC, our online platform, and other parties

We disclose personal data when we deem it necessary to abide by the law, enforce or implement our rules and conditions, or to safeguard the rights, assets, or security of The Marathon Group Recruiting, LLC, the website, and its users or other entities. This involves sharing information with other businesses and organizations for the prevention of fraud and reduction of credit risk.

Upon Your Approval

Apart from the scenarios mentioned above, you will be notified when there is a possibility of your personal identifiable information being shared with third parties, and you will be given the choice to opt-out of sharing this information.

Non-Identifiable Information

Our website,, primarily employs the non-identifiable browsing data gleaned automatically by our servers to manage and enhance the website. We may also use aggregated non-identifiable data to provide potential business partners and other independent entities with information about the website. This information does not identify individuals.

Email Address

The email address provided by you for the purpose of receiving our email communications will never be rented or sold to a third party.


In our commitment to ensuring the safety of your data, we employ the use of Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) technology, a mechanism that encrypts the details you submit via our website. Access to your personal data is limited to individuals with a valid reason to possess such information, as well as those you have granted permission to access. The Marathon Group Recruiting, LLC, in conjunction with our website, adheres to universally recognized industry norms for the safeguarding of personal data submitted to us, during its transmission through the website. It is important to note that no form of data transmission over the internet, or electronic storage method, can be guaranteed to be completely secure. As such, while endeavors to protect your personal data by using industry-standard security measures, we cannot assure total security of your information. We vow not to sell, distribute, or lease your personal data to any third parties unless we obtain your consent or if the law mandates us to do so


Individuals who submit data via our website, being both data subjects and owners, possess the entitlement to access, amend, download, or erase their data, as well as to limit and contest certain uses of their data. Some of these entitlements are universally applicable, whereas others are only relevant in specific circumstances. We outline these entitlements below:


In accordance with the stipulations of the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), Florida Digital Bill of Rights (FDBR), and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (European regulations), we are dedicated to the safeguarding of personal data pertaining to minors. We maintain a strict policy of not gathering any data from individuals under the age of 18. All our online platforms and services are intended for individuals who are 18 years old or above. If you become cognizant of your child sharing personal data with us, we urge you to reach out to us. If we discover that a minor has shared personal data with us, we will initiate procedures to erase such data, terminate the account, and limit the individual’s access.


This Privacy Policy primarily addresses the collection, usage, and disclosure of information by and The Marathon Group Recruiting, LLC. If you share information with other parties, including other users or suppliers on, different regulations might govern their handling or disclosure of the information you provide them. The control of privacy policies of these third parties is beyond the scope of Both and The Marathon Group Recruiting, LLC disclaim responsibility for the privacy or security practices of other online platforms, including those linked to or from the “” website. We strongly advise that you inquire and understand the privacy practices before sharing your personal information with others.


Should you wish to gain insights on our cookie usage, please contact us at If you have any queries or apprehensions about this privacy policy, as well as the management and safety of your data, feel free to connect with us via our contact forms, live chat, or the contact information provided below:

User Agreement

By accessing and utilizing the website and its services, you signify your acceptance to be legally bound by this user agreement and our privacy policy. In this user agreement, the term “website” pertains to the portal, while “we”, “us”, “our”, and “The Marathon Group Recruiting, LLC” are representative of The Marathon Group Recruiting, LLC Inc. Furthermore, “you”, “client”, and “user” designate you as a user of

This user agreement is applicable to the website and services provided by The Marathon Group Recruiting, LLC, encompassing mobile and tablet versions as well as any other versions accessible via desktop, mobile, tablet, social media, or other devices.



This contract outlines the legal stipulations for your utilization of the site. By leveraging the site and its services, you consent to adhere to these terms. If you disagree with any part of this contract, refrain from utilizing the site and its services. We reserve the right to alter this agreement periodically, and any such changes will be effective upon their publication on the site. By continuing to use the site and its services after any modification has been posted, you agree to the updated terms; hence, it is crucial that you revisit this agreement frequently.

If you are utilizing the services on behalf of an entity or your employer, you affirm and guarantee that you possess the necessary legal authority to commit your organization to these terms. Therefore, all references to “you” or “user” in these terms will be interpreted to include your organization, unless the context indicates otherwise. If such authority is not vested in you, refrain from using the service on behalf of your organization and immediately cease all usage of the service.

The services are not intended for individuals under 18 years of age. The website does not intentionally gather data from individuals under 18 nor permits them to establish an account or utilize the service’s features independently. If you are under 18, do not disclose any personal information to Parents and legal guardians must determine the suitability of the website’s content and services for their children or minors under their care.

The Marathon Group Recruiting, LLC, as the owner of, reserves the right to deny services to any user or entity at its discretion and alter its eligibility criteria at any given time. This clause is invalid where it contravenes the law, and the privilege to access the service and website is rescinded in such jurisdictions.

The website and services must only be used in accordance with these terms and all relevant local, state, national, and international laws, rules, and regulations.

By leveraging the website and services, you affirm and guarantee that you possess the complete authority to enter into this agreement and to fully meet all your responsibilities under it. You further affirm and guarantee that no legal or contractual hindrance prevents you from entering into this agreement.


Upon submitting your email address and phone number to, it is understood that you consent to our use of your email for the purpose of conveying vital updates and information about our offerings, news, and exclusive content. If you prefer not to get these emails, you have the option to discontinue receiving them either by reaching out to us through our provided contact details or by selecting the “unsubscribe” feature in our emails. Keep in mind that choosing to unsubscribe may hinder you from getting future emails related to our services, crucial updates, and exclusive content. The tone of this communication is legal.

The Marathon Group Recruiting, LLC offers the following services as an “executive search firm”:

Contingency and Engagement Search Services for “pressure sensitive labels” and “flexible packaging” for:

The Marathon Group Recruiting, LLC holds the right to terminate or modify any services at its sole discretion. The cost of the services will be based on the services agreed upon by the client. Payment is made via invoices generated by The

Marathon Group Recruiting, LLC. Customers or users can inquire about our services via forms on the website or by reaching out to us directly. Our support personnel are on hand to respond to any queries or concerns.


Upon accessing the website and the content therein (blog), you assume personal accountability for any outcomes resulting from the use of the information provided. The Marathon Group Recruiting, LLC does not assure any results from actions taken, whether they were suggested by the website or the content. provides resources and content strictly for informational purposes. We do not assure the accuracy, completeness, or updated nature of the information on the site. The content of this site is general information and should not be considered as professional advice. Any engagement with the material on this site is at your own risk.


When clients engage our services, they may provide content and material. The client maintains any copyright or other rights they may have in the content and material provided through our services. The Marathon Group Recruiting, LLC does not hold responsibility for the accuracy, safety, or legality of content and material provided by clients via our website or our services. You are solely responsible for your content and material and any repercussions resulting from the inclusion or posting of such material in works provided by By supplying content and material via the services, you grant The Marathon Group Recruiting, LLC a global, non-exclusive, royalty-free, fully paid-up right and license to host, store, transfer, display, perform, reproduce and modify the content and material provided by you, solely for the purpose of using and including it in the work The Marathon Group Recruiting, LLC carries out for its clients.


“Third-Party Materials” refers to any content, images, videos, texts, or other material owned by a third party, like stock images, videos, and texts. Such Third-Party Materials are subject to the relevant third-party terms and licenses and can only be used in accordance with those terms and licenses.


All materials generated by are copyrighted, with the rights being transferred to the client upon full payment for the agreed services. The Marathon Group Recruiting, LLC, however, retains the authority to display these works in its portfolio and to prospective clients.

Every element on, including but not limited to, logos, names, images, trademarks, texts, graphics, videos, photographs, illustrations, software, etc., are copyrighted, trademarked, and/or hold other intellectual property rights. These rights are either owned and overseen by The Marathon Group Recruiting, LLC or are licensed to or otherwise provided by third parties to the website. By accessing, you acknowledge that all materials are available for limited, non-commercial, personal use only, unless otherwise stated. Any copying, reproduction, downloading, selling, posting, transmission or distribution of any material without prior written permission from The Marathon Group Recruiting, LLC is prohibited. Any alterations, deletions, distortions, or modifications to the material are not allowed. Any unauthorized effort to change any material, bypass any security features, or use or any part of the material for any purpose other than its intended is strictly forbidden.


The Marathon Group Recruiting, LLC will address all concerns, complaints, and allegations regarding any supposed infringement due to non-compliance or contravention of the terms stated in the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). The Marathon Group Recruiting, LLC respects the intellectual property rights of others and anticipates the same from users. If you genuinely believe that any material on or associated with The Marathon Group Recruiting, LLC platform infringes your copyright or other intellectual property rights, please send us your copyright infringement claim in accordance with Section 512 of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), through our contact information, providing the necessary details.

Clarification of the precise intellectual property right that is supposedly violated is required. Relevant registration details or any claim relating to the work’s ownership should be incorporated.


The information shared by our clients via our services will be treated confidentially and will be exclusively used to effectively deliver our services. The Marathon Group Recruiting, LLC, and will employ the same level of care as it does with its own confidential or proprietary information to protect this information from being shared with third parties. If required for a potential business relationship,, on behalf of The Marathon Group Recruiting, LLC, may reveal confidential information received through our services to employees and/or consultants on a need-to-know basis, if these consultants are required to safeguard such information from unauthorized usage and disclosure. Confidential information should not be disclosed to any third party without obtaining prior written approval from the client who is the owner of the information.


Any personal data you share or submit in relation to the services and usage of the website will be processed in accordance with our privacy policy. By utilizing the services, you consent that we may gather and store your personal data. Please refer to our privacy policy.


The digital platform confers upon you an individual, global, non-chargeable, untransferable, and limited privilege to make use of the platform that The Marathon Group Recruiting, LLC offers as part of their services. The purpose of this privilege is solely to allow you to avail yourself of and derive the advantages of the services supplied by, in a manner that complies with the stipulated terms. You are prohibited from replicating, altering, disseminating, vending, or leasing any component of our services or the integrated software, nor are you permitted to reverse engineer or try to retrieve the source code of this software, unless such limitations are forbidden by law, or you possess our explicit written approval.

You consent to refrain from employing the website and services in a careless, deceitful, or illegal way. In addition, the user agrees not to undertake any activities or actions that could potentially harm the reputation, interests, or rights of The Marathon Group Recruiting, LLC, the website, or any third parties.

Our service forbids the transmission of bulk messages or emails that:

  1. Are classified as SPAM.
  2. Contain harassing, offensive, slanderous, indecent, malicious, unethical or any other illegal content.
  3. Disseminate destructive computer software such as Trojan horses, viruses, etc.
  4. Are designed to perpetrate fraud or involve any form of impersonation.
  5. Distribute intellectual property without possessing ownership or a license to distribute such property.
  6. Infringe upon the service terms, privacy policy, or regulations of this website or the recipients in any manner.

The Marathon Group Recruiting, LLC, acting for our website, retains the right to revoke your access immediately, with or without prior notification, and without any liability towards you, if The Marathon Group Recruiting, LLC suspects that you have breached any of these terms or interfered with the usage of the website or services.


The material and information presented on the website (which includes, but is not confined to, data, details, text, tunes, audio, pictures, graphics, videos, maps, icons, or other materials), along with the system utilized to deliver such material and information, is either owned by The Marathon Group Recruiting, LLC or granted to The Marathon Group Recruiting, LLC ( by third-party sources. For all content besides your own, you consent not to alter, replicate, disseminate, broadcast, exhibit, execute, reproduce, publish, license, generate derivative products from, transfer, sell or re-sell any details, software or services procured from or via the website. Furthermore, the following actions are restricted:


Due to the inherent unpredictability of the Internet, The Marathon Group Recruiting, LLC operates and maintains the website on an “as is” and “as available” basis. We do not guarantee uninterrupted or error-free use of the website. We are not accountable to you if, for reasons beyond our control, we are unable to deliver our Internet services.

Occasionally, our website may include links to other websites that are not controlled by or maintained by us. These links are offered merely for your convenience, and we do not bear responsibility for the content of these sites.

Beyond what has been stated above, we do not provide other warranties, conditions, or terms, whether express, implied, statutory, or otherwise, and all such terms are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.

You will be held accountable for any violation of these terms by you, and if you use the website in contravention of these terms, you will be liable to compensate The Marathon Group Recruiting, LLC for any ensuing loss or damage.

The Marathon Group Recruiting, LLC and will not be held liable for failure to fulfill any obligation under this agreement if such failure arises from an unforeseen event beyond its reasonable control, including but not limited to Internet or communication outages, fire, flood, war, or acts of God.

The In accordance with the relevant law, The Marathon Group Recruiting, LLC disclaims responsibility for all forms of loss or damage that may occur, regardless of the cause, including but not limited to any direct, indirect, or consequential loss that may result from any issues reported to or The Marathon Group Recruiting, LLC. There will be no obligation for The Marathon Group Recruiting, LLC to provide any form of compensation, explicitly excluding all responsibility in connection with:


The Marathon Group Recruiting, LLC will not be held accountable for any failed, incomplete, or muddled computer transmissions, for any computer, telephone, cable, network, electronic or internet malfunctions or failures, for any actions or omissions by any Cleaner User, for internet accessibility or availability, for traffic congestion, or for any unauthorized human actions, including any errors or oversights.


You consent to protect and hold harmless The Marathon Group Recruiting, LLC and against any claims, legal actions, demands, recoveries, losses, damages, fines, penalties, or other costs or expenses of any sort, including but not restricted to reasonable legal and accounting fees, brought forth by third parties because of:


We reserve the right to alter the site and these conditions, without prior notice, at our absolute discretion. It is your duty to remain updated about these conditions. Your persistent use of the site indicates your agreement to any modifications to these conditions, superseding all prior versions of the terms. Unless stated otherwise, all amendments to these conditions apply to all users and customers. Moreover, we can terminate our contract with you under these conditions at any time, either by written notification (including via email) or without any notice.


This contract, along with any rights and licenses granted under it, cannot be delegated, or transferred by you, but The Marathon Group Recruiting, LLC can assign it without any limitations.


You concur that there is no joint venture, partnership, employment, or agency relationship between you and or The Marathon Group Recruiting, LLC because of these conditions or your utilization of the services.


This contract, combined with the privacy policy and any other legal notices published by on behalf of The Marathon Group Recruiting, LLC, shall represent the entire agreement between you and The Marathon Group Recruiting, LLC, governing your use of the site and the services.


The user concedes that any disagreements, claims, or controversies emerging from or associated with these terms and conditions, or the violation, termination, enforcement, understanding or validity thereof or the application of the services, will be settled through obligatory arbitration between the user and Marathon Group Recruiting, LLC. Nevertheless, each party remains entitled to file a separate lawsuit in a court of competent authority.

Should a disagreement occur in relation to the utilization of the services or the violation of these conditions, the party’s consent to present their disagreement to arbitration resolution before an esteemed arbitration organization, as jointly agreed upon by the parties and in compliance with prevailing commercial arbitration regulations.

You agree to begin a formal dispute process by sending us a message via our contact information. The Marathon Group Recruiting, LLC may opt to send you a written proposition after receiving your initial message. If we propose and send you a settlement offer and you do not accept the offer, or we are unable to settle your dispute satisfactorily and you wish to proceed with the dispute process, you are required to initiate the dispute resolution process before a recognized arbitration organization and file a distinct Demand for Arbitration. Any award decided by the arbitration tribunal will be final and binding on the parties.

To the maximum extent permitted by law, you agree that you will not file, join or participate in any class action lawsuit in relation to any claim, dispute or controversy that might emerge in connection with your use of the website and services.

The courts of the United States, particularly the courts situated in the State of Florida, will have authority over any dispute, controversy or claim relating to or The Marathon Group Recruiting, LLC, and its business operations.


Despite our services being accessible worldwide, the regulations and conditions are regulated by the laws of the United States. Any authorities that do not recognize all the stipulations of these terms are not permitted to use our website and services.

The execution of these terms is subject to prevailing laws and legal procedures, and no clause within these terms hinders our obligation to adhere to requests or requirements from law enforcement or other legal or governmental entities regarding your utilization of our website or data provided to us or collected by us concerning such use.

If any portion of these terms is deemed void, unlawful, or unenforceable, the legitimacy, legality, and enforceability of the rest of the provisions will not be impacted or compromised in any manner. Our inability or delay in enforcing any term at any point does not relinquish our authority to enforce the same or any other provision(s) in the future. All rights that are not explicitly granted herein are retained.