Job Openings Work From Home Part-time Data Entry Clerk

About the job Work From Home Part-time Data Entry Clerk

We are looking to find motivated people to take part in paid studies across the nation and in their local communities. Get Involved in Our Canada Market Research Panel Today...


  • Either a smartphone with a functioning camera or a desktop/laptop
  • webcam is required
  • You need to be able to access a reliable internet connection
  • Capacity to understand, read, and follow oral and written instructions
  • While data entry or administrative assistant experience may not be
  • required, it is highly recommended
  • Flexibility to take part in discussions online or in-person


  • Participate in surveys/studies, by filling out written and verbal instructions
  • Participate as a focus group researcher
  • For each panel, a detailed written study is provided
  • Take part in the testing of products that are not yet available to the public


  • You have a variety of payment options available, such as PayPal, direct check or virtual gift codes online
  • Rewarding yourself with the opportunity to win
  • You don't need to commute if you work from your home