Job Openings General and Financial Affairs Officer

About the job General and Financial Affairs Officer

Job description

The Headhunter Group provides HR services, HR consulting, raising awareness of employers about the importance of human resources departments in the company. The Headhunter has offices in Albania, Kosovo, North Macedonia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Greece, Canada, Mexico and Texas (USA). We offer the newest mentality in the Staffing industry and our core business are Candidates and Clients.

Our client, The Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Albania, has a new Job Opening for the position of General and Financial Affairs Officer.

Please find below the specific details of this vacancy:


Date: 20 February 2024


Establishment post no. :

Job title : General Affairs/Financial officer

Mission : ZMA Tirana

Job level : scale 6

Number of hours : 40


The general affairs/financial officer works in the General Affairs Section of the Netherlands

Embassy in Tirana. His/her focus areas are general/ administrative and financial affairs.

Within the financial area, his/her duties include bookkeeping and maintaining payment

transactions. Within the area of General Affairs, the officer primarily works in the field of

personnel and accommodation, as well as providing clerical/ administrative and logistic

support. Lastly the officer might need to perform some duties related to consular services.

The officer is directly answerable to the Operational Manager (OM).


1. Support for operational management processes (PIOFAH Personnel, Information Systems, Organisation, Finances, Administration and Housing)

A Clerical support in the field of personnel

B Clerical support in the field of accommodation

C Clerical support in the field of administration

D Clerical support in the field of organisation

2. Support on Financial affairs (bookkeeping, commitments, expense statements, salaries and payments, providing financial information and overviews)

3. Support on consular affairs.


  • Replace the Operational Manager during his/her absence
  • Replace the Senior Management Assistant during his/her absence


1. Support on Financial Affairs

  • Keeping correct and timely records of activities with regard to bookkeeping, commitments, expense statements, payments and VAT.
  • Validating the payment of all daily expenses such as VAR, DDA etc. by checking against internal and external regulations.
  • Maintaining transactions regarding cash expenditures. Generating bank & cash statements as per relevant instructions.
  • Obtaining feedback on payments if requested by suppliers.
  • Gathering information on new supplier and register them in relevant financial systems.
  • Fulfilment of daily small financial requests.
  • Preparing summaries of the above-mentioned areas.

2. Support for operational management processes (PIOFAH Personnel, Information Systems, Organisation, Finances, Administration and Housing)

2 A Clerical support in the field of personnel

  • Providing clerical support services, maintaining various staff lists and schedules.
  • Providing support in communication between diplomats and local domestic staff.

2 B Clerical support in the field of accommodation

  • Accreditations of diplomats with ALB MFA, in order to get visas, IDs
  • Support OM regarding arrival/ departure of diplomats and their housing process including paperwork and archiving.
  • Coordinating customs clearance of household goods, cars etc.
  • Support incoming missions by booking hotels and vehicles.
  • Registration of Embassy's cars.

2 C Clerical support in the field of administration

  • Responsible for updating the inventory of the chancery, the residence and the apartment above the chancery (including furniture, government-owned works of art, list of equipments in use by staff, etc.)
  • Responsible for updating the IT inventory on request of Servicedesk SSC-ICT (IT department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs).
  • Support in preparing relevant paperwork for all inventory items, disposal and donations, as per relevant instructions including archiving.

2 D Clerical support in the field of organisation

  • Registration and replacement of all IT-equipment for staff.
  • Replace the OM as a User Support officer in IT.

3. Support on consular affairs

  • Handle consular requests.
  • Provide consular statements and declarations.
  • Prepare and provide emergency documents.
  • Hand over consular documents.
  • Assistance in detainee support.
  • Assistance in emergency situations of Dutch nationals.


  • The general affairs officer is accountable to the OM for the progress and quality of personnel and accommodation/ housing services, other support services and of the accounting activities.
  • The work is carried out in accordance with ministerial administrative and procedural regulations relating to internal management.
  • The officer takes decisions about the nature and content of contacts with suppliers and maintenance firms regarding the provision of goods and services, and about stock management and the deployment of local staff.
  • The rules and regulations governing financial administration are important in entering data properly in the missions financial records.
  • The officer takes decisions when assessing and processing financial data and transactions.


  • With expat staff, to inform them about housing matters;
  • with staff, to exchange information on observed inadequacies in housing and home contents;
  • with management staff, on the planning and completion of work;
  • with local government and other bodies and firms, concerning customs clearance of goods, obtaining documents, , etc;
  • with maintenance firms, to provide information on the progress and completion of maintenance work, breakdown repairs, etc.
  • With line management and policy officers, to provide written and oral information on various aspects of financial administration and personnel procedures on request and further information if necessary;
  • with policy departments at the Ministry or other bodies, to provide or gather further information or accounting data.


  • Knowledge of internal administrative and procedural regulations relating to internal management at the mission, as well as their application;
  • knowledge of relevant local legislation;
  • IT-proficiency (Excel, Word and Outlook, Sharepoint, MS software packages);
  • Skills in creating and keeping files;
  • Knowledge of the applicable accounting or other rules and regulations concerning financial administration at the mission;
  • Skill in working with computer-based financial systems;


Ability to plan and organise

Ability to work with others

Client orientation

Commitment to quality


Organisation sensitivity




Higher Education (Bachelors level)

At least 3 years of relevant experience required

Fluent in English and Albanian(written and oral). Knowlegde of Dutch would be

considered an asset.

B driving license




The Embassy in Tirana has 19 fte in total including a seconded Dutch Police Officer, a Belgian

co-locating Benelux police-officer and her assistant, a seconded Belgian diplomat, and a

Dutch migration liaison officer.

The embassys work revolves to a large extent around EU integration and subjects related to

that such as organized crime and Rule of Law. The Embassy works as one team in the field of

the rule of law, EU, human rights, trade & economic, cultural and public diplomacy activities.

Synergy between the activities is needed due to the size of the Embassy and smooth back

up by other colleagues is therefor also important.


The team in which the general affairs/financial officer operates consist of: Operational

Manager, Senior Management Asistant, Driver/ Maintenance Officer, cleaning lady and


This team is responsible for a professional, efficient and client friendly front office, as well as

for facilitating a good working environment for all other staff, clients and guests of the



We are looking for an open, enthusiastic employee, who has a customer and service

providing orientation. The person we are looking for has excellent communication skills and

is able to maintain his/her network. The candidate is pro-active and a team player. Planning

and organization are developed skills, while out of the box thinking enables him/her to work

independently under guidance of his/her manager.


Send your updated resume at the email address: within 11th of March 2024.

Please be informed that only the candidates selected for the interviews shall be contacted. Name your CV in the following format (name [space] surname [space] CV). Be easily recognised!