Privacy Policy


Ensuring your privacy is important to us. We want to assure you that only with your permission will we share your information. The purpose of this privacy statement is to confirm your acknowledgment and consent to the following purposes for which Switch G.K. may use and disclose the information that you disclose to us. By submitting personal information, you grant Switch G.K. the right to use personal data for recruitment and selection purposes. This policy may change from time to time in accordance with the law and regulations.

Collection and Use of Your Information

The information submitted and collected will be used for the purposes of recruitment and selection as part of our service provided on your behalf. Other non-identifiable information may be used for the purposes of statistical analysis. We may also use your e-mail address to contact you directly regarding services that we believe may be of interest to you.

Information Collected

In order for us to assist you in the most effective way, we require certain information about you. When you submit your resume we collect and store certain personally identifiable information, such as your name, e-mail address and contact details. All information provided by you enables Switch G.K. to assist you in finding suitable employment opportunities.

Notes we take when we interview you will also form part of the information we have on our file about you.

We do not make any employment information available to potential employers without your consent. We do not sell any information we collect as part of our services to any third party. Switch G.K. may disclose personal data without choice or notification to fulfill certain legal and regulatory requirements.

Accuracy of Personal Information

It is important that the data provided by you are accurate and that you inform us if any information relating to your personal data requires updating. You may request your personal data be edited, amended or removed from our database at any time.

Data Security

We have applied industry-standard security measures to protect your transmitted information but we cannot guarantee its complete security.

Switch G.K. will investigate all complaints. If a complaint is found to be justified, Switch G.K. will take appropriate measures, including, if necessary, amending its policies and procedures.