Commercial Officer NV1
Job Description:
Australian Citizens With NV1 Clearance residing in Australia only respond
Commercial Officer CM (Function) Materiel Procurement Branch COMM IWP 0043 MPB 4.2 Procurement Methodologies & Contracting Options & Tender Development - L3 NV1 Williamtown NSW
Experience/Skills Sought:
The successful applicant must have demonstrated understanding and/or experience in the identification/mitigation of procurement risks; preparation of procurement advice; sourcing/tender development; probity; evaluation; and contract management.
Other relevant information:
Potential candidates must demonstrate experience undertaking complex, high risk, high value contracts and provide specific examples when responding to this tasking request.
Responses should be clear and concise but provide sufficient detail to demonstrate experience relevant to the position. In responding to this Tasking Request, candidates should provide their relevant capability and experience, as well as the roles and responsibilities they had in in major projects/complex procurements. If the candidate has previous Defence experience please provide details of the projects name and referee contact.