Material Data Officer NV1
Job Description:
Australian Citizens With NV1 Clearance residing in Australia only respond
Material Data Officer Joint Command and Control (JC2) SPO JC4S CJC03 3.1 Integrated Logistics Support Management - L3 NV1 Fyshwick, Canberra ACT No
3.1 Integrated Logistics Support Management L3
Coordinate the Integrated Logistics System (ILS) requirements related to developing, reviewing and validating project, SPO and Contractor Materiel technical data documentation to ensure that all in-service technical support considerations of JC2 SPO supported equipment and logistics policies are addressed. This work shall be performed on but not limited to the following ILS artefacts:
1. Safety Data Sheets
2. Complete Equipment Schedules
3. User Hand Books/Manuals
4. Codification and Cataloguing
5. Sparing Analysis
6. RAM Reports
9. EMEIs
10. ILSIs
11. Maintenance documentation as directed.
-Undertake an active role in process improvement activities.