Melbourne, VIC, Australia

systems Software engineer NV1

 Job Description:

Australian Citizens With NV1 Clearance residing in Australia only respond 

Systems/Software Engineer Acquisition SPO LC4S LAND200-3 2.3 Systems and Software Engineering - Software Engineering - L3 NV1 Defence Plaza, Melbourne VIC No


The LAND 200-3 Systems/Software Engineer will:
Perform critical and complex engineering activities and providing advice in the field of software systems engineering for the project.
Perform the systems/software engineer role in a complex and diverse technological environment (i.e. systems of systems, disparate networking environments, radio systems and electro-mechanical environments).
Develop engineering plans and designs that are produced with, and consumed by, other engineering specialists.
Work with systems architects and engineering management in the design and specification of software-related engineering artefacts.
Support the Engineering Manager in development of engineering work packages that meet the needs of the scope of work and may include:
Contribution to artefacts as part of the capability definition documentation and management plans, processes and procedures.
Contribution to the system architecture and systems integration specifications, plans, procedures, reports and other technical material.
Support the wider engineering, project management and commercial activities where systems/software engineering expertise is required.
Monitor and ensure that safety aspects of Defence materiel systems are considered and incorporated into software engineering activities.
Identify and resolve system/software engineering related technical issues and constraints, and advise the engineering and project management functions on appropriate courses of action.
Exercise any assigned engineering authorities and any technical regulatory authority delegations.
Work collaboratively to develop and maintain beneficial, effective relationships and negotiate effectively to influence stakeholders and subject matter experts to deliver agreed project outcomes.
Assess, interpret and comply with legislative, policy and regulatory frameworks.
Be accountable for accurate completion of work within defined timeframes and quality requirements within a matrixed, integrated workforce.