Perth, WA, Australia

Aurion Timekeeper Support

 Job Description:

Australian Citizens residing in Australia only respond.

The product or service to be sought are as follows: - System integration - Transformations - Business improvements; and - Automation

In scope:

- Timekeeper reports;

- System integrations adding them to batches for Extract Transform Load (ETL) processes;

- Timekeeper and related configuration review;

- Access review within Timekeeper;

- Assessment of vendor release notes;

- Designing test programs and reviewing Timekeeper results;

- Troubleshooting Timekeeper issues;

- Timekeeper and Aurion security assessments;

- Provision of advisory services on payroll functions and reports; and

- Provision of advisory services on Payroll administration.

  Required Skills:

Provision Load Automation Integration Payroll Troubleshooting Security Administration Business