Job Openings Refer & Earn. Share. Get Paid. Repeat!

About the job Refer & Earn. Share. Get Paid. Repeat!

Refer a friend and get a bonus of EUR 2000

How it works?

  • Do you have a friend or someone who might be interested in Working&Living in the Czech Republic? Let us know! 
  • No worries about the particular role, we have plenty of projects so we are able to direct your friend to a project that will fits him/her.
  • Share your friend's name and surname, email address and/or phone number/telegram nickname. Eventually, share your friend's CV with us directly.
  • We will get in touch with him/her in a day or two and put him through the recruitment process.
  • If your friend passes all stages of interview, gets the offer, and accepts it you are eligible for a bonus of EUR 2 000, -
  • Get paid after the trial period of 3 months.
  • Repeat!