Job Openings CLTS Supervisor/Sanitation Mobilization Supervisor / Hygiene Promotion Supervisor

About the job CLTS Supervisor/Sanitation Mobilization Supervisor / Hygiene Promotion Supervisor


Job Title: CLTS Supervisor/Sanitation Mobilization Supervisor / Hygiene Promotion Supervisor

Locations: Nangarhar, Logar, Ghor, Kandahar, Herat, Badghis, Daikundi, Helmand, Paktika, Zabul, Balkh, Baghlan, Kabul

Number of Positions: 33

Time Frame: Till 31st December 2025.

Minimum Qualification & Experience:

  • At least high school graduate.
  • Minimum of two years of experience working in supervisory role
  • Experience in hygiene and sanitation is preferred
  • Experience in working with community and community mobilization will be given priority
  • Familiarity with cultures of different Afghan communities
  • Very good interpersonal communication skills
  • Ability to supervise personnel
  • Ability to speak in big gatherings and interact very smoothly and politely
  • The candidate should be very polite and patient
  • Skills to convince others
  • Must be able to communicate well in local language/s.
  • The candidate must have the ability to work with people of different villages.

Job Description:

CLTS Supervisor

  • Supervise the team of CLTS facilitators related communities of the district/s and province
  • Implement CLTS in target communities and declare 40-50 communities ODF/Team by the end of the contract
  • Assist the facilitators teams in conducting pre-triggering, introduction, rapport building and triggering target communities.
  • Conduct required number of post triggering to very communities ODF
  • Establish CLTS committees mothers groups and facilitate community action, plan
  • Train CLTS committees and mothers groups in hygiene
  • Ensure the performance of CLTs committees and mothers groups reaching to other people and households
  • Ensure the involvement of CHWs in a -z process; effective use of IEC materials in the target villages and their follow up
  • Conduct community hygiene awareness and sanitary campaigns
  • Contribute to the arrangement of ODF verification, certification and declaration ceremonies at the district and village level
  • Provide the provincial CLTS coordinator and Sanitation Officer with success stories and photos from the field
  • Reporting on regular basis
  • Utilize the CLTS team in emergency response when and where required,
  • Any other task assigned by the supervisor

Sanitization Mobilization Supervisor:

  • Conduct regular field visits to ODF communities in the assigned area
  • Makre sure team undertake meetings with CLTS committees and community members, and mothers groups to discuss ongoing sanitation practices and challenges.
  • Coordinate the program at provincial level with relevant departments
  • Resolve any emerging challenge faced by the sanitation mobilizers at provincial and district level through relevant departments
  • Received and compile progress reports and share with UNICEF FO
  • Share success stories from the field with UNICEF FO
  • Supervise all activities of the teams in 8 districts and provide necessary support
  • Collaborate with local stakeholders, including government authorities NGOs and other partners to leverage support for sustainability efforts.

Hygiene Promotion Supervisor:

  • Conduct regular field visits to supervise the hygiene promoters
  • Provide backing and support to the hygiene promoters to perform their duties
  • Resolve challenges faced by the hygiene promoters in the field or at the provincial level
  • Receive, review, compile and send reports to UNICEF FO
  • Verify field reports by undertaking field visits
  • Coordinate all activities with UNICEF FO
  • Maintain coordination with relevant departments at the provincial level
  • Support UNICEF WASH team during emergency response wherever and whenever required
  • Any other job related task assigned by the supervisor
  • Share success stories form the field with UNICEF FO