Job Openings Hygiene Promoter

About the job Hygiene Promoter

Job Title: Hygiene Promoter

Locations: Kabul, Patika

Number of Positions: 6

Time Frame: Till 31st December 2025.

Minimum Qualification & Experience:

  • Degree in Public Health, Environmental Science, Social Work or related field will be prioritized otherwise high school graduate
  • Previous experience in community development, health promotion, or related field
  • Strong interpersonal and communication skills
  • Ability to work effectively with diverse groups and individuals
  • Fluency in local languages is mandatory
  • Knowledge of rural development issues and challenges

Job Description:

  • Conduct community assessments to identify WASH associated risks, needs, prioritize opportunities in the target areas
  • Follow the eater supply projects to reach out to the water beneficiaries with hygiene promotional activities as prat of integrated WASH interventions
  • Develop work plan and implement hygiene promotion activities and campaigns tailored to the specific needs of each community
  • Organize and facilitate training sessions on topics such as handwashing, safe water practices and treatment, sanitation (use of improved toilets, avoiding open defecation and excreta management), and waste management
  • Collaborate with local stakeholders including community leaders, schools shuras and organization to promote hygiene awareness and behavior change through coordination collaboration and follow up visits.
  • Reach out to emergency affected areas/population including returnees and internal displaced people for providing guidance and awareness on the key hygiene and sanitation related behaviors risks and preventive measures.
  • Distribute hygiene supplies and water kits to the affected people integrated with the hygiene promotion and provide guidance on the proper use of the supplies e.g., chlorine substance
  • Visit the affected population and ensure to collect feedback fand report it to the supervisor
  • Monitor and evaluate the impact of hygiene promotion initiatives collecting data and feedback to measure the effectiveness compared with the baseline assessed under take number one.
  • Maintain records of activities, prepare reports and assist in documenting as required.
  • Support the integration of hygiene promotion activities with other community development programs and projects
  • Facilitate and support visits of UNICEF and other partners teams to sites for WASH related sites and undertaking pertinent activities
  • Record and share any new lesion learned from the field for better program outcome
  • Involvement of communities in WASH project for creating /strengthening project ownership, O&M and sustainability