Job Openings
CLTS Facilitator / Sanitation Mobilizer
About the job CLTS Facilitator / Sanitation Mobilizer
Job Title: CLTS Facilitator / Sanitation Mobilizer
Locations: Nangarhar, Ghor, Kandahar, Herat, Daikundi, Logar, Mazar, Badghis, Baghlan, Balkh, Helmand, Patika, Zabul
Number of Positions: 141
Time Frame: Till 31st December 2025.
Minimum Qualification & Experience:
- Should be able to easily read and write
- Minimum one year of experience working with communities in community mobilization, sanitation, or hygiene promotion
- Very good interpersonal communication skills
- Ability to speak in big gatherings and interact very smoothly and politely
- The candidate should be very polite and patient
- Skills to convince others
- Must be able to communicate well in local languages.
Job Description:
CLTS Facilitator
- Attend a full course of CLTS training at the central or/and provincial level, as well as other relevant training.
- Pre-triggering appointment with the target communities elders and representatives
- Hold introduction session and rapport building with the villagers
- Implement triggering session with the villagers and going through all the required steps as per the guideline
- Undertake transect walk jointly with the participants to assess the sanitation situation of the communities
- Undertake mapping exercise
- Facilitate community action plan with villagers
- Establish CLTS committees and train them in hygiene behavior change
- Undertake post triggering of communities which are triggered
- Bassline and endline data collection
- Effective use of IEC materials in the targe villages, its distribution to the FHAGs and CHWs and its follow up
- Establishment of mothers groups and teir training in hygiene behavior change
- Follow up from the activities of mothers groups
- Conduct community hygiene awareness and sanitary campaigns
- Schoold triggering located in the catchment of the target district
- Provide technical advice to the villagers in building sanitary latrine
- Provide support during emergency for the areas which are located out of the scope of CLTS
- Declare 40-50 communities ODF/duration of the contract (number of communities depend on the geography)
- Record day to day progress made by villagers in their village and reporting to his/her supervisor
- Any task assigned by the supervisor
Sanitation Mobilizer:
- Conduct regular field visits to ODF communities in the assigned area
- Facilitate meetings with CLTS committees and community members and mothers groups to discuss ongoing sanitation practices and challenges
- Provide continuous support and encouragement to main ODF status, emphasizing the importance of sustained behavior change.
- Identify any issues or barriers to sustainability and work with communities to develop solutions
- Monitor and evaluation progress towards sustainability goals documenting successes and challenges
- Collect data and information on sanitation practices, challenges and achievements for reporting purposes
- Collaborate with local stakeholders including government authorities NGOs and other partners to leverage support for sustainability efforts.