Mexico City, CDMX, Mexico

Update Your Nearshore Cyber Candidate Record

 Job Description:

We are always looking for talent. If you are looking for a new job and you don't see one listed that fits your background, expertise, or what have you, please fill out this form. 

If you applied in the past and would like to make sure that we can match you to future positions, filling out the form will help.

This is an open "job" intended to update our records. We anticipate several opportunities in the near future. Help us help you by entering key pieces of information and providing your resume so that we can find you quickly when the time comes. 

If you have questions, please DM Laura Maria Kavanagh on LinkedIn or inquire in the #careers channel on our Discord:

If you'd like to request a meeting, fill out the form and let us know in the "Is there anything else you'd like us to know?" section.

  Required Skills:

Resume LinkedIn Records