Review all books of accounts and trial balance prepared by Reporting Team to complete the monthly financial statements (statement of financial position and statement of comprehensive income).

Prepare comparative monthly and year-to-date statement of comprehensive income for management reporting

Review monthly bank reconciliations and suggest necessary adjustments on reconciling items

Monitor bank balances, prepares weekly fund monitoring and request for interbank transfer to ensure appropriate balances for all bank accounts, specifically disbursement accounts. Sends updated bank statements to Finance Team

Review quarterly and annual financial statements and income tax return for statutory reporting

Prepare annual budget based on the forecast and assumptions from Sales Team and Service Team


Monitor petty cash set up by the Company to cover the daily expenditures. Ensures that appropriate sales invoice and official receipts have been submitted by employees for proper liquidation of cash advance

Review request for check payment prepared by Finance Team based on the suppliers sales invoice and billing statement

Validate details of check prepared based on the request for check payment. Reviews details and signs BIR Form 2307, Expanded Withholding Tax, in relation to the check payment

Verify details of Vehicle Purchase Order (VPO) and Check to be submitted to MMPC based on the latest Dealer Net Price (DNP) list of MMPC.


Confirm details, amount, formula and computation of payroll and allowance prepared by HR Team based on actual biomatrix and sales output.

Prepare commissions and incentives based on actual vehicles sold, service performed and commission/incentives scheme approved by the management:

o Monthly Unit Sales Commission

o Monthly Sales Incentives

o Monthly Service Incentives

o Quarterly Back Office Incentives

Prepare payroll/commission/incentives BDO bank transfer based on the approved computation. Validates the details of employee name and BDO bank account. Upload the details to Online BDO Disbursement System and request for online approval

Prepare the related journal entries based on the actual payroll, sales unit commission, sales incentives, service incentives and back office incentives paid

Prepare summary of Sales Agents allowance, commission and incentives as the basis for expanded withholding tax computation.

Confirm summary of employees cash advance balance. Validates last pay computation of resigned employees

Prepare annual employee compensation summary as basis for statutory withholding tax on compensation filing and generation of BIR Form 2316


Update monthly sales and financing margin analysis based on the latest MMPC sales package, showing the applicable nominal, promo and additional subsidy offered by MMPC

Assist Sales Team in confirming appropriate selling price for order/contract requested by government entity/agency. Coordinates and assists Sales Team for special matter/requirements requested by clients.

Review the Sales Team daily salary/allowance based on the actual vehicle sold by each Sales Executive / Sales Agent.


Ensure proper distribution of tasks to Finance and Accounting staff/members and lead its execution

Responsible for mentoring and learning of supervisors and staff members to achieve unit goals and objectives

In charge of setting objectives and goals of the Finance and Accounting Unit to contribute to overall performance of AMC


Review details of MRIS/BRP sharing computation to be paid to sub-contractor based on the actual MRIS document and Billing Statement issued to clients

Validate online payments made by the clients

Verify template issued by insurance companies for proper computation of premium and net remittance of comprehensive insurance.

Formulate appropriate finance and accounting policies in relation to new transactions of the Company.

Perform other official duties as assigned by the President & General Manager