Helmsman Group is here to provide you with recruitment services.
The information you provide here will help us highlight the experiences that differentiate you from others in the market and help us identify suitable new roles for you that are not yet made available to the wider market as well as keep us up to date with your contact and current situation information.
By agreeing below you confirm that you are happy for Helmsman Group to seek work on your behalf. You expressly agree for us to process, store and share your personal information by forwarding your resume, assessment information, images, documents and videos that you provide to suitable employers. You also expressly agree that any company you agree to share your info with that you solely give Helmsman Group the right to represent and have not applied or submitted by any other agency to your knowledge.
Please be aware that we will only disclose personal or sensitive information according to the Terms and Conditions cited above and never distribute resumes to an employer without your prior knowledge.