Terms And Conditions

By using this website to apply for a job, you are about to submit sensitive personal information as part of the recruitment process. We may collect information such as name, address and other contact information, work and educational experience, licenses and certifications, and other personal information. Your decision to submit such information is entirely voluntary. The information collected in our career center will be accessible to selected recruitment personnel and hiring managers relevant to the hiring process. We may use this information to process and evaluate your application for employment and to communicate with you about employment opportunities. We may also retain and use this information to identify, and communicate with you about, future potential employment opportunities with us.

If we elect to make an offer of employment, this information may become part of the employee file and will be used for other employment and work-related purposes. Regardless of whether you are offered and accept an offer of employment or not, we will retain your data in accordance with our firm’s record retention policy.

Acknowledgement and Authorization

I acknowledge that I have received the terms and conditions. I voluntarily and knowingly authorize Grant Thornton to obtain any report required for employment purposes from its chosen vendor who conducts such investigations at any time after receipt of this authorization, and if I am hired, throughout and after my employment. To this end, I authorize, without reservation, any law enforcement agency, administrator, state or federal agency, institution, school or university (public or private), information service bureau, employer or insurance company to furnish all background information requested by this chosen vendor. I also agree that a facsimile (fax), electronic or photographic copy of this Authorization shall be as valid as the original.

This career page is powered by the recruitment software Manatal. By applying, you acknowledge and accept our Terms & Conditions.