About the job Automated Logistics System Operation Engineer
1) Job Summary
Operate an automated logistics system specialized for the battery production process, communicate with customers to create new logistics processes, and design processes to be reflected in the automated logistics system.
Automated Logistics Systems
1. RTD : Real Time Dispatcher system
2. MCS : Material Control System
3. CIM : 3 Kind of Computer Integrated Manufacturing system
- Stock CIM, Conveyor CIM, AGV CIM
2) Job details
- Identified logistics system requirements in a group chat and took action on them
- Check Interface data between GMES and MCS/CIM.
- Troubleshooting for issues related RTD and logistics.
- Troubleshooting for issues related MCS and logistics.
- Troubleshooting for issues related to CIM and Communication with PLC.
- Designing or writing logistics operations scenario
3) Experience required
- Must Have 1+ years
4) Working conditions
- Work an 8-hour day, but you have three different shift schedules:
06:00-15:00, 08:00-17:00, and 10:00-19:00.
- You will work weekends and holidays from 6:00 to 19:00, and receive alternative days off to use during the week.
5) Additional
- Bilingual as English and Korean fluency may a plus