Job Openings Nurse | 护士

About the job Nurse | 护士

【岗位职责】[Job Description]

  • 在突发事件发生时,相应应急指挥小组的指挥,参与应急救援任务;

When an emergency occurs, take the command of the corresponding emergency command team and participate in emergency rescue missions;

  • 熟悉应急医疗物资的位置,定期检查清点,保证各类物资处于完好充足状态;

Familiar with the location of emergency medical supplies, check and count them regularly to ensure that all kinds of supplies are in good condition and sufficient;

  • 参与应急指挥中心组织的各项应急演练;

Participate in various emergency drills organized by the emergency command center;

  • 定期参与本部门组织的医疗业务培训;

Participate in the medical training organized by the department regularly;

  • 完成领导交办的其他工作。

Complete other tasks assigned by the leader.


【任职要求】【Job requirements】

  • 大专及以上学历

College degree and above

  • 医疗救护相关专业

Majors related to medical rescue

  • 两年以上医疗机构工作经验

More than two years of working experience in medical institutions

  • 身体健康,持有医护上岗资格证

In good health, hold a medical and nursing job qualification certificate