Job Openings Flight Area Manager | 飞行区管理

About the job Flight Area Manager | 飞行区管理

【岗位职责】[Job Description]

  • 负责制定并执行飞行区重要场道基础设施的应急抢救预案。

Responsible for formulating and implementing emergency rescue plans for important infrastructures in the flight area.

  • 负责组织或委托代建单位对跑道除胶、标志线改造刷新、飞行区道面嵌缝等项目进行集约化招标和实施管理,组织实施或委托外包方组织实施飞行区的跑道、滑行道、停机坪、服务道、巡场道、土质区、排水系统、围界等场道设施的日常维护维修工作。

Responsible for organizing or entrusting the agent construction unit to conduct intensive bidding and implementation management for the runway degumming, marking line renovation and refreshing, flight area pavement caulking, etc., organize the implementation or entrust the outsourcing party to organize the implementation of daily maintenance and repair work of the runway and taxiway in the flight area , apron, service road, patrol road, soil area, drainage system, fence and other field road facilities.

  • 结合本机场的实际情况,负责制定和修订飞行区施工管理规定,负责审批场道类工程的施工安全管理方案,代表业主统一向柬方办理场道不停航施工手续。

n accordance with the actual situation of the airport, be responsible for formulating and revising the construction management regulations of the flight area, for approving the construction safety management plan of the road projects, and handling the construction procedures for the non-stop flights to the Cambodian party side on behalf of the property owner.

  • 参与规划和实施飞行区内各类区域划分、标志线改造和警示标志牌的制作和日常维护,确保各类标志线和有关警示标志等符合民航相关规定。

Participate in the planning and implementation of various area divisions in the flight area, the transformation of marking lines, and the production and daily maintenance of warning signs to ensure that various marking lines and related warning signs comply with relevant civil aviation regulations.

  • 担任机场鸟害防范领导小组负责人,结合本厂场实际制定和落实相关鸟害防治措施,预防因本厂场原因鸟击航空器事故的发声发生。定期组织本场生态环境调研和环境治理,负责落实巡视驱鸟要求,做好驱鸟设备管理,收集、分析、利用鸟情信息,落实鸟情和鸟击报告制度。负责依法清楚清除在机场飞行区范围内种植或设置影响飞行安全的树木和其他障碍物体。

Serving as the person in charge of the airport bird damage prevention leading group, formulate and implement relevant bird damage prevention and control measures based on the actual situation of the airport, and prevent the occurrence of bird strike aircraft accidents due to the airport. Regularly organize the site's ecological environment research and environmental management, be responsible for the implementation of bird patrol and repellent requirements, manage bird repellent equipment, collect, analyze, and use bird status information, and implement bird status and bird strike reporting systems. Responsible for cleaning up the planting or setting up trees and other obstacles that affect flight safety within the flight area of the airport in accordance with the law.

  • 落实跑道滑行道巡视检查及维护规定,开车或步行巡视检查跑道、滑行道;负责跑道摩擦系数的定期测试及跑道除胶工作;负责专机、劫机、备降、迫降等突发航班的场道应急保障。

Implement the runway taxiway inspection and maintenance regulations, drive or walk to inspect the runway and taxiway; be responsible for the regular test of the runway friction coefficient and the runway degumming work; be responsible for the emergency guarantee of flights such as special planes, hijacking, alternate landings, and forced landings.

  • 负责组织实施飞行区内土质区的割草、碾压工作,确保草高和土质区密实度指标符合民航规定标准。

Responsible for organizing and implementing the mowing and rolling work in the soil area within the flight area to ensure that the grass height and the density of the soil area meet the civil aviation regulations.

  • 负责停机坪、服务道的卫生管理工作,负责组织实施飞行区道面清洁。

Responsible for the hygienic management of the apron and service lanes, and organizing the implementation of road surface cleaning in the flight area.

  • 结合本场实际情况,定期组织飞行区围界的全面巡视检查和维护,确保飞行区围界符合民航标准。

According to the actual situation of the site, regular comprehensive inspections and maintenance of the flight area enclosure shall be organized to ensure that the flight area enclosure meets the civil aviation standards.

  • 负责落实机场运行场务安全信息报告制度,包括向空管情报部门提供场道相关航行资料、向局方提供场务安全运行日报、快报、月报。负责机场使用手册和机场细则涉及场务内容的管理。

Responsible for implementing the airport operation field safety information reporting system, including providing field-related navigation data to the air traffic control intelligence department, and providing daily express, and monthly reports on field safety operations to the Bureau. Responsible for the management of the field affairs related to the airport user manual and airport rules.


【任职要求】 【Job requirements】

  • 大学本科、专科学历

Undergraduate, college degree

  • 交通工程及民航类等相关专业

Majors related to traffic engineering and civil aviation

  • 2年以上机场场务工作经验

More than 2 years of airport fieldwork experience

  • 具有一定的应急处理能力,责任心强,具有较强的沟通和协调能力

Have certain emergency response capabilities, a strong sense of responsibility, and strong communication and coordination skills