Job Openings Mechanical & Electrical Operation Guarantee | 机电运行保障

About the job Mechanical & Electrical Operation Guarantee | 机电运行保障

【岗位职责】【Job Description】

  • 全面负责机场配套的机电设备的日常运行管理和维护。

Responsible for the daily operation management and maintenance of the mechanical and electrical equipment supporting the airport.

  • 负责本班组的安全运行管理及各项奖惩制度。

Responsible for the safety operation management and various reward and punishment systems of the team.

  • 负责主导管理手册、制度的制定及完善运行保障体系,监督各组落实相关政策、手册、业务制度的宣贯。

Responsible for leading the formulation of management manuals and systems and perfecting the operation guarantee system, and supervising the implementation of relevant policies, manuals, and business systems of each group.

  • 负责机场机电设施运行事故的预防、应急安排、救援;事故的分析、总结、措施、教育。

Responsible for the prevention, emergency arrangements, and rescue of accidents in the operation of airport electromechanical facilities; accident analysis, summary, measures, and education.

  • 负责高、低压、强、弱电,导航、通讯设备设施良好。

Responsible for high, low voltage, strong and weak electricity, navigation and communication equipment facilities available.

  • 制定应急方案并季度性进行测试及演练。

Develop emergency plans and conduct tests and drills on a quarterly basis.

  • 监督检查机电设备的日常巡视、检修、维护、保养工作。

Supervise and inspect daily inspections, overhauls, maintenance, and maintenance of mechanical and electrical equipment.

  • 负责对机场设备的日常运行状态进行监控、并记录报警处置。

Responsible for monitoring the daily operation status of airport equipment, and recording alarm handling.

  • 完成领导布置的其它任务。

Complete other tasks assigned by the leader.


【任职要求】【Job requirements】

  • 全日制统招本科及以上学历

Full-time unified recruitment of bachelor degree and above

  • 信息、自动化、机电、控制类等理工类专业优先

Science and engineering majors such as information, automation, electromechanical, and control are preferred

  • 年以上机场机电保障维护工作经验,2年以管理岗位任职经验

More than 4 years of experience in airport mechanical and electrical maintenance and guarantee, 2 years of experience in management positions

  • 机电运行管控、异常处置能力、沟通协调能力、团队协作能力

Mechanical and electrical operation control, abnormal handling ability, communication and coordination ability, teamwork ability

  • 英语交流流利

Fluent in English