Job Openings Stowage Man | 配载员

About the job Stowage Man | 配载员

【岗位职责】:【Job Description】:

  • 掌握平衡配载基本理论、飞机性能知识以及手工舱单的制作。

Master the basic theory of balanced stowage, knowledge of aircraft performance and the production of manual manifests.

  • 负责制作航班初始化及录入航班限载数据。

Responsible for making flight initialization and inputting flight limit data.

  • 据飞行计划中的机型、预计人数、行李、待运货物等对当日航班进行预配。

Pre-allocate flights for the day according to the aircraft type, the estimated number of passengers, luggage, and cargo to be transported in the flight plan

  • 根据飞机重心要求及载量要求对预配结果进行货物及旅客座位布局调整。

Make cargo and passenger seat layout adjustments to the pre-allocation results according to the aircraft's center of gravity requirements and load requirements.

  • 及时掌握航班动态,合理、充分利用舱位,控制航班配货量,确保航班业务单据和货物配运信息准确,确保航班正点、准确截载。

Keep abreast of flight dynamics in a timely manner, make reasonable and full use of space, control the amount of flight distribution, ensure the accuracy of flight business documents and cargo distribution information, and ensure that flights are punctual and intercepted accurately.

  • 根据飞机载量或限载的要求,实时监控航班载量变化。

Real-time monitoring of flight load changes according to the requirements of aircraft load amount or load limit.

  • 根据飞机重心要求,监控旅客座位发放,并做适当的座位锁放;根据飞机重心要求,监控货舱装载,并做适当调整。

According to the requirements of the aircraft's center of gravity, monitor the issuance of passenger seats and make appropriate seat locks; according to the requirements of the aircraft's center of gravity, monitor the cargo compartment loading and make appropriate adjustments.

  • 航班截载后,按照实际旅客人数及货物、邮件、行李分布重量制作舱单,复核确认无误后提交舱单。

After the flight is intercepted, prepare a manifest according to the actual number of passengers and the distribution weight of cargo, mail and baggage, and submit the manifest after rechecking and confirming that it is correct.

  • 记录、传递、汇报及处理航班保障中各相关岗位反馈的信息。

Record, transmit, report and process the information feedback from various related positions in flight guarantee

  • 及时主动报告本岗位的安全隐患及发生的事故差错。

Proactively report the potential safety hazards and accident errors of the position in time.

  • 完成所有航后操作及数据核对工作。

Complete all post-flight operations and data verification work.

  • 完成领导交办的其他工作。

Complete other tasks assigned by the leader.


【任职要求】【job requirements】

    • 大专以上学历;具有1年(含以上)平衡配载相关岗位工作经验。| College degree or above; 1 year (including above) working experience in balanced stowage-related positions.
    • 责任心强,具备较强的团队协作能力和组织协调能力;思维清晰,具有较强的抗压能力和判断能力;表达流利,具有较强的语言表达和沟通能力;正直诚信,具备优良的职业操守和岗位敏感度。| A strong sense of responsibility, strong teamwork and organization, and coordination skills; clear thinking, strong resistance to pressure and judgment; fluent expression, strong language expression, and communication skills; integrity, honest and excellent professional ethics, and job sensitivity
    • 熟悉民航知识;熟练操作应用离港系统;掌握风险管理方法和工具;熟练应用相关行政办公软件。 | Familiar with civil aviation knowledge; proficient in operating and applying departure systems; mastering risk management methods and tools; proficient in applying relevant administrative office software.