Job Openings HR Manager | 人力资源经理

About the job HR Manager | 人力资源经理

【岗位职责】【Job Description】

1. 根据公司发展战略,制定人力资源发展规划及年度人力资源工作计划,报公司审批通过后推动实施

According to the company's development strategy, formulate a human resources development plan and an annual human resources work plan, report to the company for approval, and promote the implementation

2. 根据公司发展阶段及业务需求,合理规划、调整公司组织架构、岗位设置及人员编制,对各类岗位职能进行描述,完成各岗位说明书的撰写

According to the company's development stage and business requirements, rationally plan and adjust the company's organizational structure, position settings, and staffing, describe various job functions and complete the writing of each job description

3. 向公司高层决策者提供有关人力资源战略、组织建设等方面的优化调整方案

Provide the company's senior decision-makers with optimization and adjustment plans related to human resource strategy and organizational construction

4. 负责编制、修订、完善企业人力资源各项规章制度,上报公司审批执行

Responsible for compiling, revising, and perfecting all company's human resources rules and regulations, and submitting them to the company for approval and execution

5. 贯彻实施企业各项人力资源管理制度,检查制度执行情况

Implement various human resource management systems of the enterprise and check the implementation of the systems

6. 建设、完善人力资源体系,设计人力资源管理模式(包括招聘、人才培训及开发、绩效管理、薪酬与福利、员工关系及企业文化等体系的全面建设),制定和完善相关流程,报公司审批通过后推动实施

Construct and improve the human resource system, design the human resource management model (including the comprehensive system construction of recruitment, talent training and development, performance management, salary and benefits, employee relations and corporate culture, and others), formulate and improve related procedures, and report to the company and promote implementation after approval

7. 及时处理公司管理过程中的人力资源问题及风险

Deal with human resource problems and risks in the company management process in time

8. 塑造、维护、发展和传播企业文化,提升企业凝聚力及员工满意度

Shaping, maintaining, developing, and disseminating corporate culture to enhance corporate cohesion and employee satisfaction

9. 负责建设企业人才库,确保人才储备量,保证企业所需各类人才的及时到位

Responsible for establishing the enterprise talent pool, ensuring the talent reserve, and ensuring the timely arrival of all kinds of talents needed by the enterprise

10. 推动人力本地化,搭建招聘平台,拓展柬境内各类招聘

Promote the localization of manpower, build a recruitment platform, and expand various types of recruitment in Cambodia

11. 负责员工职业规划设计,最大限度的额调动广大员工的积极性

Responsible for employee career planning and design, mobilizing the enthusiasm of employees to the greatest extent

12. 监督、检查部门各项工作及计划的执行情况,负责部门内考核、培训工作

Supervise and inspect the implementation of various work and plans of the department, and be responsible for the evaluation and training of the department

13. 制定部门费用预算,并根据公司审批后的预算对各项费用支出进行整体控制,确保各项费用支出控制在预算范围以内

Formulate departmental expense budgets, and perform overall control of various expenses according to the budget after the company's approval, to ensure that various expenses are controlled within the budget

14. 完成领导交办的其他工作任务

Complete other tasks assigned by the leader

【任职要求】 【Job Requirements】

1. 45岁以下,人力资源或相关专业本科及以上学历
Under 45 years old, bachelor degree or above in human resources or related majors

2. 5年以上人事相关工作经验,熟悉柬埔寨国家相关法律法规
More than 5 years of HR work experience, familiar with relevant laws and regulations of Cambodia

3. 娴熟的处理各类办公事务的能力及良好的沟通、组织、协调能力
Skilled ability to handle various office affairs and good communication, organization, and coordination skills

4. 熟练使用各种办公软件
Proficiency in using various office software

5. 能使用英语作为工作语言者优先
The ability to use English as a working language is preferred


【Generous welfare benefits】

✓ 基本月薪:根据岗位确定

 Basic monthly salary: Determined according to the position

✓ 综合补贴:住宿补贴、餐费补贴、话费补贴、交通补贴

Comprehensive subsidies: accommodation subsidies, meal subsidies, telephone subsidies, transportation subsidies

✓ 年终奖金:依据公司年度效益、部门贡献度、个人绩效,综合评定后确定

 Year-end bonus: Determined after comprehensive evaluation based on the company's annual benefits, department contribution, and individual performance

✓ 奖励计划:对公司有突出贡献的奖励

 Reward plan: rewards for outstanding contributions to the company

✓ 培训计划:内/外部培训机会

 Training plan: internal/external training opportunities

✓ 晋升机制:创造良好的成长与发展空间

 Promotion mechanism: create good growth and development space

✓ 休假制度:享受柬埔寨法定假期;带薪病假、婚假、丧假等

 Vacation system: enjoy Cambodian statutory holidays; paid sick leave, wedding leave, funeral leave, etc.

✓ 其他福利:缴纳柬埔寨社保及人身意外保险

 Other benefits: pay Cambodian social security and personal accident insurance

✓ 工作地点:2F, Coastal Airport Terminal, Coastal City, Koh Kong Province, Cambodia

Work Place: 2F, Coastal Airport Terminal, Coastal City, Koh Kong, Province, Cambodia