Job Openings Purchasing Supervisor | 采购主管

About the job Purchasing Supervisor | 采购主管

【岗位职责】 【Job Description】

  • 负责供应商的开发和甄选;

Responsible for the development and selection of suppliers;

  • 负责采购成本的控制,善于货比三家,执行并完善降低成本及控制方案;

Responsible for the control of procurement costs, good at the comparison in the purchase, implement and improve cost reduction and control plans;

  • 负责开发、评审、管理供货商,维护与其关系;

Responsible for developing, reviewing, and managing suppliers, and maintaining their relationships;

  • 负责执行采购订单的制作和采购合同的签订,落实具体采购流程;

Responsible for the production of purchase orders and the signing of purchase contracts, and the implementation of specific purchase procedures;

  • 负责提交采购分析和总结报告,制作、编写各类采购指针的统计报表;

Responsible for submitting procurement analysis and summary reports, making and compiling statistical reports of various procurement indicators;

  • 负责管理采购合同及供货商的文件数据,并建立供货商数据库;

Responsible for the management of procurement contracts and supplier document data, and establishing a supplier database;

  • 负责确认、安排发货及跟踪到货日期;

Responsible for confirming, arranging delivery, and tracking the arrival date;

  • 完成领导交办的其它任务。

Complete other tasks assigned by the leader.


【任职要求】【Job requirements】

  • 大专及以上学历,熟练英语沟通者优先。

A college degree or above, proficient in English communication is preferred.

  • 一年以上工作经验优先,有民航后勤保障工作经验或机场物资采购经验优先;

More than one year of work experience is preferred, and experience in civil aviation logistics or airport material procurement is preferred;

  • 熟悉机场消耗类物资采购流程和市场常识,1年左右相关工作经验优先;

Familiar with the procurement process of airport consumable materials and market common sense, about 1 year of related work experience is preferred;

  • 有良好的沟通能力、谈判能力和成本意识;

Have good communication skills, negotiation skills, and cost awareness;

  • 熟练使用Word,excel等办公软件,计算机操作熟练;

Proficiency in using Office software such as Word, Excel, and computer operations;

  • 工作细致认真、责任心强、思维敏捷、具有较强的团队合作精神;

Careful work, a strong sense of responsibility, quick thinking, and strong team spirit;

  • 有良好的职业道德和素养,能承受一定的工作压力。

Have good professional ethics and accomplishments, able to withstand certain work pressures.