Job Openings Office Director | 办公室主任

About the job Office Director | 办公室主任

【岗位职责】[Job Description]

  • 负责机场员工考勤和办公秩序的管理;

Responsible for the management of airport staff attendance and office order;

  • 负责机场员工入职和离职手续办理、各类人事类合同协议签订等;

Responsible for the registration and resignation procedures of airport employees, and the signing of various personnel contracts and agreements, etc.;

  • 负责机场会务保障、纪要的拟写和各类材料的统计上报;

Responsible for airport conference affairs guarantee, preparation of minutes, and statistical reporting of various materials;

  • 负责机场印章及合同管理;

Responsible for airport seal and contract management;

  • 负责机场公文的跟踪、督办与检查落实;

Responsible for the follow-up, supervision and inspection of airport documents;

  • 负责机场重大事件及要情的通报;

Responsible for the notification of major events and important situations at the airport;

  • 负责机场的后勤保障和内外协调工作;

Responsible for the logistics support and internal and external coordination of the airport;

  • 负责机场各类行政办公所需物资采购;

Responsible for the procurement of materials required for various administrative offices of the airport;

  • 负责机场办公设备设施维护、物业管理(含宿舍管理、食堂管理等)、车辆管理、资产管理等工作;

Responsible for airport office equipment and facility maintenance, property management (including dormitory management, canteen management, etc.), vehicle management, asset management, etc.;

  • 参与机场经营成本核算及预算管理工作;

Participate in the airport operating cost accounting and budget management;

  • 完成领导交办的其他工作。

Complete other tasks assigned by the leader.


【任职要求】 【job requirements】

  • 大学本科及以上学历,人力资源类、行政管理类专业;

Bachelor degree or above, major in human resources and administrative management;

  • 年以上相关岗位工作经验和管理岗位工作经验;

More than 3 years of work experience in related positions and management positions;

  • 熟悉人事行政管理相关政策,掌握办公软件操作技能、公文写作技能;

Familiar with relevant policies of HR administration management, master office software operation skills and document writing skills;

  • 较强的人际沟通能力、协调能力,计划执行能力、分析能力、学习能力、应变能力、组织能力;

Strong interpersonal communication skills, coordination skills, plan execution skills, analytical skills, learning skills, adaptability and organization skills;

  • 具有认真负责、团结协作、开拓进取、敬业奉献的精神;

Have the spirit of being serious and responsible, united and cooperative, pioneering, dedicated and professional;

  • 无不良工作记录。

Not bad work records.