Job Openings Head of Equipment Operation Department | 设备运行部主管

About the job Head of Equipment Operation Department | 设备运行部主管

【岗位职责】【Job Description】

  • 负责机场信息化设备硬件的运维管理,向信息控制中心总经理负责。

Responsible for the operation and maintenance management of airport information equipment and hardware, and be responsible to the general manager of the information control center.

  • 负责机场各类信息设备实物的清点、标记、编号、造册工作。

Responsible for the inventory, marking, numbering, and cataloging of various information equipment in the airport.

  • 负责机场各类信息设备线路梳理、标记、编号、造册工作。

Responsible for sorting, marking, numbering, and cataloging of various information equipment lines at the airport.

  • 负责机场各类信息设备的故障定位以及设备级故障更换工作。

Responsible for the fault location of various information equipment in the airport and the replacement of equipment-level faults.

  • 负责机场各类信息硬件设备日常巡检、保养工作。

Responsible for daily inspection and maintenance of various information hardware equipment in the airport.

  • 负责机场各类电脑终端板卡级故障更换工作。

Responsible for the replacement of board-level failures of various computer terminals at the airport.

  • 负责上级领导交办的其它工作。

Responsible for other tasks assigned by superiors.


【任职要求】 【Job requirements】

  • 大专以上学历

College degree or above

  • 电子、计算机专业

Electronics and computer major

  • 熟悉BA ,监控、门禁、广播、航显、消防 系统的运维、建设

Familiar with BA, operation and maintenance and construction of monitoring, access control, broadcasting, aerial display, and fire protection systems

  • 熟练拆装计算机设备并能定位故障排除

Proficiency in disassembling and assembling computer equipment and being able to locate and troubleshoot

  • 熟悉综合布线、光纤、大对数电缆的安装敷设规范并有实操经验

Familiar with the installation and laying specifications of integrated wiring, optical fiber and large logarithmic cable and have practical experience

  • 熟悉万用表、监控工程宝、通讯设备维修工具包的使用

Familiar with the use of multimeters, monitoring engineering treasures, and communication equipment maintenance kits


Ability to use AUTOCAD