Job Openings Manual Controller

About the job Manual Controller

【岗位职责】【Job Description】

  • 负责机场手册体系及其它资料管理、修订、报批、发布,确保机场手册体系持续现行有效,向质量标准部经理负责。

Responsible for the management, revision, approval, and release of the airport manual system and other materials, to ensure that the airport manual system continues to be effective, and is responsible to the quality standard manager.

  • 负责建立和持续完善机场手册体系及其它资料管理制度和工作流程。

Responsible for establishing and continuously improving the airport manual system and other information management systems and work processes.

  • 负责机场手册体系及其它资料的格式标准化、报批、发布。

Responsible for the format standardization, approval and release of the airport manual system and other materials.

  • 负责监督各部门定期修订手册/资料(至少每年1次)。

Responsible for supervising various departments to revise manuals/information regularly (at least once a year).

  • 负责不定期收集各部门手册/资料修订建议,汇总修订。

Responsible for collecting recommendations for revision of manuals/data from various departments from time to time, and summarizing revisions.

  • 负责对接各上级部门的手册/资料应审。

Responsible for connecting the manuals/documents of each superior department should be reviewed.

  • 负责协同实施质量审计。

Responsible for the collaborative implementation of quality audits.

  • 负责协助完成质量标准部所需其他工作。

Responsible for assisting in completing other tasks required by the Quality Standards Department.

  • 负责上级领导交办的其它工作。

Responsible for other tasks assigned by superiors.


【任职要求】 【Job requirements】

  • 全日制统招本科及以上学历或具备同等资质

Full-time unified recruitment of bachelor degree or above or equivalent qualifications

  • 航空相关专业

Aviation related majors

  • 5年以上机场工作经验;2年以上适航资料管理经验

More than 5 years of airport work experience; more than 2 years of airworthiness data management experience

  • 2年以上机场工作经验;2年以上适航资料管理经验者优先

More than 2 years of airport work experience; more than 2 years of airworthiness data management experience is preferred

  • 精通英文听说读写能力

Proficient in English listening, speaking, reading, and writing