Job Openings Fueler, Fuel truck Driver | 加油员/加油车司机

About the job Fueler, Fuel truck Driver | 加油员/加油车司机

【岗位职责】[Job Description]

  • 负责根据质量保证书及现场检查情况监测航油是否合格;

Responsible for monitoring whether jet fuel is qualified according to the quality assurance certificate and on-site inspection

  • 负责按照机坪管理规定路线行驶,并到达指定机位进行航油加注工作;

Responsible for driving according to the route prescribed by the apron management, and arriving at the designated aircraft position for jet fuel filling work;

  • 负责管辖范围内的车辆及设备的保养维护工作;

Responsible for the maintenance of vehicles and equipment within the jurisdiction;

  • 负责航油加注过程中紧急事件处理工作;

Responsible for emergency handling during jet fuel filling;

  • 负责本部门安全操作规范的编制工作;

Responsible for the compile of safety operation specifications of the department;

  • 定期参加公司及本部门组织的相关培训;

Regularly participate in relevant training organized by the company and the department;

  • 完成领导交办的其他事宜。

Complete other tasks assigned by the leader.


【任职要求】【Job requirements】

  • 大专及以上学历

College degree and above

  • 年以上实际机场航油系统工作经验

More than 2 years working experience in actual airport jet fuel system

  • 良好的敬业精神和职业道德操守;有良好的沟通、协调能力;高度的责任心和积极主动的工作热情。

Good professionalism and professional ethics; good communication and coordination skills; high sense of responsibility and proactive work enthusiasm.

  • 有基本的英语沟通能力

Have basic English communication skills