Terms And Conditions

1. Terms of Use - Candidates

1.1. Terms

1.2. Conditions

2. Services we provide you with under this agreement

  1. You may subscribe to frequent e-mail notifications through the Capital Recruit Platforms that will alert you about job offers or other services (“Notifications”) that Capital Recruit believes may be of interest or relevant for you. The assessment is based on information from your profile, on settings you have made yourself for notifications and/or on your search and your usage behaviour on the Capital Recruit Platforms. You can set up multiple notifications for different job-searches and services. Please note that if you no longer wish to receive notifications, you must unsubscribe from all notifications you have set up individually, in order to avoid deleting those notifications that you wish to continue to receive.
  2. If a registered User uses the platforms again after some time of inactivity, the User will start, according to Capital Recruit assessment, a new “Search Cycle”. In order to further ensure the usability of the Capital Recruit Platforms, we will continue to send the User regular e-mail notifications, to which the User has opted-in or subscribed.
  3. Based on empirical values and in-depth analysis of the careers of employees in their companies, Capital Recruit can identify an “Employee Life Cycle” for almost any User. The Employee Life Cycle describes the career path of a candidate within one or more companies, or his or her professional life. In order to optimize a candidate’s career planning, Capital Recruit may send relevant information on career development to registered users, that have not been active on the platforms in a while, by email or through their user account. Users may unsubscribe from this mailing list at any time.
  4. In order to ensure your authentication, i.e. to avoid unauthorised notification subscriptions on behalf of third parties, we will send you a confirmation e-mail after your first registration, in which we ask you to confirm your registration again by clicking a link in the e-mail. The authentication process is not required if you are logged in as a registered user and set up notifications for suitable job offers or services. Authentication by entering a password can in some cases also be skipped, if you click on the link provided in a notification to you (“soft-login”) and gives you the option of limited access to your account without prior login.
  5. With the creation of a user account for candidates (“user account”) you will automatically receive notifications related to your searches. Settings such as frequency, accuracy, or disabling all or some of your subscribed notifications can be adjusted in your account settings.

2.2. Services we provide you with under this agreement

As part of your user profile you can subscribe to various Newsletters we offer on different subjects. We may also send you email-newsletters regarding Capital Recruit Services which are similar to Capital Recruits Services that you already use, if you have not objected to such newsletters. You may at any time object to all of Capital Recruit’s newsletters free of charge. We will inform you about your right of objection when we collect your email-address and in the respective newsletter. Should you no longer wish to receive our email messages, please click the unsubscribe link located within each message. Additionally, you can view and change settings in your user account.

2.3. User Account

Certain services are only available for registered users of a user account. How to register for a user account is described in section 10 below.

2.4. Saved Job Offers

You can save job offers that you have viewed by clicking on the button provided for this purpose in the job offer. You can then access entries saved in this way in your user account. Capital Recruit can analyse your stored entries and, based on this analysis, can optimise and customise the services offered to you. At your option, Capital Recruit can remind you of your saved job offers by e-mail.

2.5. User Profile

You can create a personal profile (“user profile”) within your user account. You can add information to the profile that is related to your CV, as well as your own attachments, such as CV or certificates. If you upload attachments to complete your profile, we analyse their content and structure in an automated process and use this analysis to improve the services we provide to you. We also use the data you provide us with to recommend jobs on our platforms based on your profile data and tailored to your needs or to send you notifications as described in section 1 – Notifications. We may also use your profile data to automatically fill out forms for other services and that we offer on our platforms and which may be linked to the user profile, if you wish to use these services. Additionally, we use information stored in your profile to improve your search experience. We also store analytical data about you and your user behaviour, together with a pseudonymous user ID, in a statistical database, whereby you are not identifiable.

In setting your profile visibility you will make it accessible to these recruiters and other candidates, including its contents. In doing so, you grant candidate-profile-customers access to your profile and its attachments (including a search and download function), as well as the date of your last activity. Candidate-profile-customers are Capital Recruit customers who have access to Capital Recruits candidate database or are otherwise authorised to use it or other services to fill vacant positions; they may be agencies or employers. We may also analyse your profile in order to actively present all or part of it to candidate-profile-customers. It is possible that Capital Recruits customers are located outside the Republic of South Africa or EU or the European Economic Area (“EEA”), which is why data may also be transferred to such third countries. If you set your profile to “be visible”, you grant candidate-profile-customers access (including a search and download function) to parts of your profile and its attachments, as well as the date of your last activity, and disclose this information to them. It is also possible that we analyse a partially active profile in order to actively present it to candidate-profile-customers. Since Capital Recruit customers from all over the world can access the Candidate Database, Capital Recruit customers may be located outside the Republic of South Africa and outside the EU or the European Economic Area (“EEA”), and therefore access and disclosure may also take place from and transfer to such third countries. All data that you have entered as part of your profile is fully accessible to candidate-profile-customers, unless you have blocked the company in your profile “Blocked Companies” section.

2.6. Storage Capacity

We do not guarantee or warrant any minimum storage capacity for your profile. We reserve the right to limit the data volume for data uploads temporarily or permanently, especially if this is necessary for technical or user-friendliness reasons, for example to maintain or optimise the service.

2.7. Applications through User Account

You can use your profile to apply for jobs offered on the Capital Recruit websites or in the apps, provided that the Capital Recruit-Customer has chosen to allow applications via the platform for the respective job offer. We use your profile data to automatically fill in certain fields of the application form and you may upload additional files. Once you have clicked on the respective button, we will store the data you entered in the application form on the Capital Recruit platform so that the respective customer can access it there. The Capital Recruit customer to whom you have applied will also have access to your profile and will be able to view the information you have entered in your profile. Since Capital Recruit-Customers from all over the world can post job offers on our platforms, it is possible that the respective customer is based outside the Republic of South Africa and outside the EU or the European Economic Area (“EEA”), and therefore access and disclosure may also take place from and transfer to such third countries.

2.8. Storage of CV Data in your Profile

Your application, including the respective attachments, will be stored within your user account in a history that you can access at any time. Depending on the service, you have the option of adding other CVs that you attach to further applications as an additional CV to your profile or replacing the existing CV. You will be informed of this possibility while applying and can add or replace a CV by clicking the corresponding button.

2.9. Modification and Discontinuation of Services

In order to balance the interests of users and Capital Recruit Customers, to ensure the usability of the platform and to adapt it to the conditions of the market, it is essential to continuously develop the Capital Recruit-Platforms. It is therefore possible that services may be modified or discontinued. The user has no legal claim to the continuation of a service, a display or the functionality of the platform. If you do not agree with a modification or discontinuation, your only remedy is to terminate this agreement according to section 12 and to refrain from using the Capital Recruit platforms.

2.10. Registration of User Profile

  1. If you want to register for and create a User Profile, you must provide a valid email address and a password to us, which we will store.
  2. After we received your application to create a User Profile we confirm the receipt of such application with a message to the email address provided by you. The agreement for your User Profile between you and us comes into effect when we activate your User Profile. The completion of the registration by you only constitutes an offer to enter into a contract. Capital Recruit reserves the right to accept or decline the conclusion of the contract in its own discretion. There is no right to claim a conclusion of a contract.
  3. You must provide the requested information and data completely and truthfully. You are responsible to keep your contact data up to date and to secure that you can be contacted under the address provided and that the email-address is not transferred to another person. Should any of the provided data change, you must adjust and correct the data immediately. In the event of incomplete or false information provided by you, Capital Recruit shall have the right, to block your account and the access to our platform temporarily or permanently and/or terminate in accordance with section 12 herein.
  4. Each User must only create one account. The account is not transferrable.
  5. Once the User creates a User Account it is permanently available for the User. However, the User can terminate this contract anytime and delete his Account via the Account setting or by contacting Capital Recruit. A User Account may however be deleted after a certain amount of being inactive. Capital Recruit also reserves the right to remove any duplicate, inactive accounts older than 6 months from our database, to ensure a good experience for our Capital Recruit customers.

2.11. No Warranty; Backup Copies

  1. We do not warrant the currency, accuracy, completeness, usability, suitability for a certain purpose of content on our Platforms. We also do not warrant for the conclusion of an employment contract between Users of our Platforms as applicants and an employer.
  2. Capital Recruit does not warrant that the Services offered by us are available at certain times or permanently. Disturbances, interruptions or possible downtimes of the (online) Service cannot be excluded. Because of technical or operational reasons, a temporary limitation of the availability is possible. This is especially possible with regard to the capacity limits, the security or integrity of the data processing systems or the implementation of technical measures, which are necessary for a regular or improved performance.
  3. Capital Recruit’s servers are backed up regularly and carefully. Nevertheless, data losses are not excluded. Insofar as you transmit or upload data – regardless of the form we advise you to make backup copies. This also applies to the event that you terminate your contract with us, because we don’t retain a copy of your data after the deletion, subject only to statutory storage obligations.

2.12. Term and Termination

  1. The agreement with you regarding the user account and the services provided under it as well as notifications regarding services under this agreement is made for an unlimited period of time. Either party may terminate this Agreement with immediate effect and without cause.
  2. If the agreement on the user account or notifications of services ends, we will delete your personal data that we have stored or store your data in anonymous form for analytical purposes, unless the processing is required by law and for another purpose.

2.13. Applicable Law, Place of Jurisdiction and Other Provisions

  1. This agreement and its interpretation shall be governed by South African law.
  2. If any provision of these Terms of Use is found to be invalid or unenforceable in whole or in part, such provision shall be deemed severable from these Terms of Use and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of any other provision of these Terms of Use. In such event, the invalid or unenforceable provision shall be replaced by a valid and enforceable provision.
  3. You consent to the jurisdiction of the Magistrate’s Court of South Africa in respect of all disputes arising from or in connection with these terms and conditions. Despite this, Capital Recruit may institute proceedings in any other South African Court in which event it will not be limited to costs on the applicable Magistrates’ Court scale.
This career page is powered by the recruitment software Manatal. By applying, you acknowledge and accept our Terms & Conditions.