Privacy Policy

Use of the Site

The Capital Recruit website, mobile application, and social media platforms (collectively, the “Platforms”) provide career guidance and services to job seekers. Employers can use Capital Recruit’ services to advertise available positions to job searchers and identify qualified individuals by scanning the database of Capital Recruit users.

You must register with Capital Recruit in order to build a profile and submit applications for open positions. It is your obligation to make sure that your profile is correct, current, and that you are not giving a misleading impression of who you are through omission or by providing fake information. Your profile’s accuracy as well as any job openings placed on our platforms are not within the control of Capital Recruit.

You will be added to our user database when you create a profile on Capital Recruit so that employers can find you there. Your profile is made up of the data you give us, the documents you upload, the date of your most recent activity, and a record of all the jobs you’ve applied for. We might use publicly accessible data gathered from other parties to improve your Profile. Links to any social media platforms that we utilise to enhance the Profile may be included in this supplementary information. In these cases, we do not vet or verify the accuracy, correctness, or completeness of such data used to enhance the Profile, and no assurance is given that any enhancements to the Profile will be error-free or ultimately achieve any enhancement to the Profile. It is your responsibility to confirm the accuracy of such information.

Employers who use our service will be able to see you right away in the user database. You have the option to choose not to appear at all in the user database. In the profile management section, you can modify your visibility preferences.

When you choose to register for Capital Recruit, we will keep a record of your profile until you ask us to remove it from the user database.

In order to keep you informed of new opportunities, when you create a profile with Capital Recruit, we will send you emails of new jobs that match your profile. In the profile management section, you can unsubscribe from these alerts based on your profile.

You authorise Capital Recruit to provide the employer or recruiting agency with information about your profile when you apply for a position that has been posted on one of our Platforms.

While Capital Recruit makes reasonable steps to verify job advertisements posted on the website, we cannot guarantee that every job represents a legitimate job opening. Capital Recruit does not guarantee the availability or accuracy of a job offered on our Platforms. Capital Recruit cannot assure you that your application will be accepted for a position. Which candidates will be taken into consideration is up to the company who is advertising the position.

By using our platforms, you consent to the use of your data for statistical reporting, including the anonymised and aggregated reporting of industry trends.

You acknowledge and concur that the Platforms are not compliant with data privacy laws other than those that apply to the Republic of South Africa and that their sole purpose is to market job openings to jobseekers based in that country.

Your Personal Information

The privacy of our job seekers is important to us at Capital Recruit, and we go to great lengths to make sure that the Personal Information you give us is used only for that purpose.

You must create a profile as a jobseeker utilising our platforms, with the ability to submit your portfolio and other supporting materials to aid in your job search. You are giving Capital Recruit Personal Information and Special Personal Information that can be used to identify you by doing this.

This data may include—but is not restricted to—your name, email address, social security number, address, employment & educational background, and portfolio.

Accuracy of Personal Information

You are in charge of making sure that the details on your profile and any accompanying papers are correct and accurately reflect your employment and work experience. On behalf of another individual, you are not permitted to create profiles or distribute Personal Information. Inaccurate or misleading assertions made in jobseeker profiles are not the responsibility of Capital Recruit. Capital Recruit will share false profiles with the appropriate governmental and legal organisations where required by law.

How we collect your Personal Information

Your Personal Information is gathered and used by us in accordance with these Terms. The majority of the Personal Information you give us comes from your online profile, which you create when you use one of our Platforms to apply for a job.

NOTE: Please do not register for our Platforms, list a service, or submit a bid if you do not want to share your personal information with Capital Recruit.

Your job search history, job alerts, and application history may also provide us some indications about you.

We collect Personal Information about you from:

  • Our Platforms;
  • Cookies;
  • Publicly available information, such as information on your social media accounts; and
  • Other tools and applications.

What Personal Information do we collect

The following is a list of the types of Personal Information we might gather about you:

  • General personal information, such as your name, address, phone number, gender, marital status, birthdate, and place of birth, that can be used to identify you directly or indirectly.
  • Sensitive Personal Information (if provided), such as race (for Employment Equity reporting purposes), sexual orientation, political affiliations, union membership, and health information.
  • Personal information including age, location, driver’s license, educational background, and employment history that is necessary to perform the service of applying for jobs.
  • Your marketing preferences, such as whether or not you want to receive emails about new opportunities, suggested jobs, competition entries, customer service surveys, and promotions from third parties.
  • Aggregate statistical data about site visits as well as other permissible uses, like trends in employment and pay. We give our clients, advertisers, and other third parties the anonymous aggregate statistics.

· Information about your educational and employment history that is publicly accessible, including, but not limited to, skills and experience, memberships and affiliations with professional bodies, as well as qualifications.

Why and when do we collect your information

When we need to fulfil our contract with you

We have a contract with you to carry out specific tasks under our capacity as Capital Recruit, such as listing your services for employers to view and submitting proposals for projects.


With your express permission, Capital Recruit processes your personal information. By using our Platforms, you expressly agree that we may share your Personal Information as described under clause 9 below with companies and recruiters. When we send you promotional material from Capital Recruit or other parties in the form of newsletters or in-app notifications, we also rely on your opt-in or consent. You have the right to revoke your consent at any time, and in cases where doing so is legally necessary, we shall stop processing your personal information once you do.

Where there is a legitimate interest

When it is in our legitimate interest to do so and when your rights to the privacy of your personal information are not infringed upon, Capital Recruit processes your personal information.

Among these respectable interests are:

  • Ensuring that our Platforms and services operate effectively;
  • Ensuring the security and integrity of our services and Platforms;
  • Providing goods and services to our customers;
  • Marketing, promoting and advertising our products and services;
  • Protecting and maintaining the safety, health and welfare of our employees, customers and other individuals;
  • Compliance with legal or regulatory requirements e.g. for preventing, investigating or detecting criminal activity;
  • Understanding our customers’ behaviour, trends, needs, activities and preferences;
  • Improving our existing services and products and developing new products, features and services;
  • Handling customers queries, complaints and disputes; and
  • Fulfilling our duties to our customers, colleagues, shareholders and other stakeholders.

How do we use your personal information

We use Personal Information to do some or all of the following:

  • Communicate with you as part of our business;
  • To provide you with the services offered through our Platforms;
  • Update you on important information such as changes to our policies, terms and conditions, updates to our Platforms and other administrative information;
  • Carry out market research and analysis, including, but not limited to industry trends and satisfaction surveys;
  • Provide marketing information to you, which may include information about products and services from selected third-party partners. This is done in accordance with your marketing preferences and you may change these at any time in your Capital Recruit account or unsubscribing from these mails when received;
  • Personalise your Capital Recruit experience on the our Platforms by presenting job opportunities, course suggestions, advertisements and other group products and services that are tailored to you;
  • Matching your Capital Recruit profile against any job that you apply for in order to evaluate suitability for the role and highlight the most relevant applications. All applications are delivered and presented on the platform irrespective of the matching score;
  • Manage our business operations, and infrastructure, compliance with our internal and group policies and procedures, including, but not restricted to auditing; finance and accounting; collections and billing; IT systems; hosting of data and websites; and records, document and print management;
  • Resolution of complaints, and compliance with data access or data correction requests;
  • Compliance with applicable South African laws; compliance with legal processes and responses to requests for information from government and public authorities; and
  • Establishment and defence of legal rights protecting the operations, our rights, privacy, safety or property of Capital Recruit or other group companies or business partners, you or others; and pursue available remedies or limit our damages.

Who do we share your information with

Recruiters and Employers

The main purpose of Capital Recruit is to make it easier for you to look for and apply for jobs. When a person applies for a job directly through one of our platforms, we might give their personal information to intermediaries, hiring firms, employment agencies, and other business partners. To fulfill our agreement with you, this is being done. Your profile on our Platforms may also be accessible to recruiters and employers so they may proactively source candidates. When you were last active on our platforms and your application history may also be included in the information that third parties have access to.

Service Providers

Your Personal Information might be disclosed to third-party service providers who help us conduct our business, including those who provide IT systems, support and hosting, advertising and marketing firms, cloud-based document storage, technical engineers, outsourced service providers, and professional services like accountants, auditors, lawyers, and other service providers.

Other third parties

On rare occasions, we might divulge personal data to such third parties. This will only ever be disclosed in accordance with a written agreement, your preferences, instructions, and privacy settings.

Government Authorities and third parties involved in court action

If necessary to apply the law, comply with a legal process, respond to requests from public and government authorities, enforce our terms and conditions, protect the operations of our Group Companies, or to protect our or our Group Companies’ rights, privacy, or other legal rights, Capital Recruit may share Personal Information with government or public authorities, and other third-party participants in civil legal processes.

How we make your information secure

In order to prevent unauthorised access, destruction, alteration, or disclosure of the Personal Information we store, Capital Recruit is dedicated to maintaining the safety and security of your Personal Information.

Among the security precautions are:

  • Restriction of access to Personal Information by Capital Recruit and group companies, contractors, agents and third party service providers, except when access to the Personal Information is required to process on our behalf. All access given is subject to contractual confidentiality and processing obligations;
  • Training for employees and internal policies stipulating our data security rules; and
  • Reviewing of our data collection practices, including information collection, access and physical security measures.

Privacy and Third Parties

These Terms do not cover, and we are not liable for, any third-party websites that link to our Platforms or for the privacy policies, practices, and security requirements of employers and/or recruiters with whom we disclose your Personal Information. Any hyperlink to a website operated by a third party does not imply our support of that website or its service. We have agreements in place with clients who use Capital Recruit to hire workers that state they may only use the service and Personal Information provided to them for recruiting, but we have no control over how they use the Personal Information after using our services. Although we cannot control who has access to the data in our database or be held liable for misuse, our contracts with recruiters and businesses require them not to use Personal Information for any purpose other than to find jobs. Even if the job was found on one of our Platforms, Capital Recruit has no control over and cannot be held liable for any Personal Information shared with third parties or on a third party website or app. Please use caution when sending your resume to email addresses, especially if the recipient’s domain does not belong to the hiring organization or the recipient’s email is hosted by a free email service like Gmail, Yahoo, or Hotmail. Before giving any Personal Information to a company, please make sure that it is legitimate.

Your information and marketing and advertising

In order for us and other advertisers to display interesting and pertinent advertising on our Platforms as well as other websites that you visit in order to display the most pertinent advertising, Capital Recruit collaborates with third party advertising networks. In order to better understand your interests based on your interaction, search, and browsing behavior from the Platforms you visit, we may utilize cookies, web beacons, and other industry standard identification technologies. This is used to create a profile of your preferences, categories, and interests so that we can show you advertising that might be of interest to you. These providers of ad networks do not keep any Personal Information that could be used to identify you. However, they may anonymously monitor your online activity on networks and websites that are not part of the Capital Recruit and group companies.

What are your rights regarding your information

  • The right to opt-out of any marketing communications we or our group companies may send you;
  • The right to ask what Personal Information we hold about you and request a copy of this information;
  • The right to ask us to update or correct any Personal Information that it out of date; and
  • The right to lodge a complaint with the Information Regulator.

Please get in touch with the information officer using the details listed below to exercise any of these rights.

How can you manage your information

Your information is secured by a password and accessible only by you when you establish a profile or log into one of our platforms. By checking in with your Capital Recruit account username and password, you may access your account at any time and edit, update, or delete the content on your profile. We value your right to privacy. Never divulge your Capital Recruit password or login information to anybody, and remember to log off after using a shared computer if you visit our Platforms.

Customers of Capital Recruit may view your profile if you build one on one of our Platforms. This privacy level is the default. By adjusting your privacy settings in the “My Account” section of Capital Recruit, you can change who is permitted to search your profile.

Regardless of the privacy settings for profile display, when you apply for a job, your profile is shared with the employer. This complies with our agreement with you.

We gather and retain some anonymous information about your use of our Platforms for statistical analysis.

In cases where the content is regarded to be unlawful, offensive, or an inaccurate portrayal, Capital Recruit has the right to remove or hide accounts from our database.

By visiting the “My Account” option, you can choose to totally hide or delete your profile from the Capital Recruit platform at any moment. Please write an email to the information officer indicated below if you would like your profile to be permanently deleted or if you would like to be forgotten. Remember to identify yourself to us.

How to Contact the information Officer

The security of Personal Information is the responsibility of Capital Recruit’ authorised Information Officer.

If you have any questions about these Terms or how we use your Personal Information, please fill out our privacy form or send us an email at

You have the right to take your complaint to the Information Regulator, South Africa’s primary data protection watchdog, if you are not pleased with how we handled it.